Monday, 14 September 2015


MP CrossFit Tulsa 091415



CrossFit Team Series Event 4

Scaled version:

Complete as many reps as possible in 15 minutes of:

Male 1 and Female 1 each perform:

5 Thrusters (65/35)

5 Pull-ups

Then, Male 2 and Female 2 each perform:

10 Thrusters (65/35)

10 Pull-ups

Then, Male 1 and Female 1 each perform:

15 Thrusters (65/35)

15 Pull-ups

Then, Male 2 and Female 2 each perform:

20 Thrusters (65/35)

20 Pull-ups

ETC., following the same pattern


For Score

WOD courtesy of


Each male/female pair must perform reps at the same time; however, synchronization is not required. Both male and female of each pair must complete their reps before the next male/female pair can begin.




5  reps  @ 65% 1RM

3  reps  @ 75%

1+ reps @ 85%


For max reps at 85%



Banded Olympic Wall Squat – 2:00

Banded Overhead Distraction – 1:30/side

Reclined Spinal Twist – 1:30/side


San Antonio Marathon Training:

5K @ 80% 5K TT pace




Post score, load and reps, and experiences to comments