Monday, 13 February 2023

Great group of ladies at Galantines!!

Join us this Friday, 17 February for a FREE drop in at any class time!

No experience needed.

Registration 2023 CrossFit Games Open HERE

2023 CrossFit Judges Course HERE



12 Kettlebell swings (53/35)

12 Kettlebell goblet squats (53/35)

12 Single-arm kettlebell push press (6/side) (53/35)

1:00 Rest


4 Rounds for time

(10:00 cap)


…Rest until the clock reads 15:00 then…


As many reps as possible in 10-minutes of the following:

3 Wall walks

6 Chest-t0-bar pull-ups


For score



Post results and experiences to comments

11 Responses