Monday, 09 December 2019

Congratulations to Coach Sarah! MP’s very own Certified Exercise Nutritionist!


General Warm-up:

Run 600/Row 750

10m Spiders

12 Army T-pushups

14 Half tacos

6 Deep squats

6 Squats w/ ankle stretch

12 Shoulder press w/T’s

10 Pull-ups

Bike 2:00

10m lunges

20m Double waiter walk

10 PVC Passovers

8 Handstand push-ups

4 Low box jumps

4 WOD height box jumps

4 High box jumps


Specific warm-up:

10 Deadlifts @ (95/65)*

7 @ (155/105)

5 @ (205/135)

3 @ (250/165)

*These loads are based on Rx athlete. Modify to perform WOD at NMT 60% 1RM.




10 Handstand Push-ups

15 Deadlifts (250/165)

25 Box Jumps (30/24″)

50 Pull-ups

100 Wall-ball Shots (20/12) @ (10′)

200 Double Unders

Run 400m with weight (45/25)


For time

Compare to Friday, 12 August 2011



Quad smash

Reclined spinal twist

Twisted cross



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