Monday, 08 June 2009

“Fight Gone Bad”

Row (calories)
Wall-ball Shots (20lb)
Sumo Deadlift High Pulls(75/50)
Box Jumps (20″)
Push Press (75/50)

3 rounds
1 minute each station
1 minute rest between rounds

To score, count each complete, full-range rep. Total all three rounds.

Compare to 22 SEP 2008

Post score to comments
11 Responses
  1. erin

    **Need some prayers**
    ~hey guys just gonna apologize in advance if i seem a little out of it tmrw. My mom is in the hospital she took a nasty fall this morning she fainted and hit her head she received 8 staples on the back p and does have a concussion more cat-scans tmrw still no word on what caused this but please keep my family in your prayers thanks guys 🙂

  2. Dylan

    Erin, I am very sorry to hear about your mom. She will definitely be in our prayers.

    285 on FGB. I think I went backwards this go around.

  3. vpbay

    Holding your mom in my prayers–if you need anything–don't hesitate to txt–I'm working!

    FGB 247 Rx weights but wimpy effort at box jump–stepped and could hear Jimmy fussing at me in my head the whole time!

  4. Robert

    Erin, hope your mom is doing better. Certainly I too will be praying for her improvement.

    Always an honor to work out with you.


  5. erin

    FGB 231 rx
    ~ good job everyone, thanks again for thoughts and prayers you guys are awesome 🙂

  6. Irene

    220 12lb WB
    Thanks for being there for us this morning. I know that it is hard not to be with your mom.

  7. Danny

    Melanie did 179. 12lb WB/17" box

    Erin, I will keep praying for your Mom. I am just so sorry that this happened.