For Score
…then Tabata speed skips
Post scores to comments
Tabata = 20 seconds of work/10 seconds of rest x 8rds, each exercise.
I.E. – 20 sec PLU, 10 sec rest, 20 sec PLU, 10 sec rest, 20 sec PLU, 10 sec rest, for a total of 8rds; then go to PU’s, and so on.
For score, you only count the lowest rep round. I.E. – If your PLU rounds were, 10/10/10/9/9/7/8/9, your score for PLU’s would be 7. Take each of the PLU, PU, SU, and SQ scores and add together for your total.
Do speed skips after other 4 exercises are completed. post the lowest score for those to comments as well.
That says it all! Awesome!! Congratulations Team MPCF!
Great photo. Congratulations to all of you!
Great picture, guys!! You don't even look tired! Congrats!!
45 Tabata
45 Tabata Speed Skips.
Great job everyone on the White Rock Marathon and Half. It's quite an accomplishment!
Graduation week and walking in Norman on Saturday instead of Jingle Bell running in Tulsa. Family descends. Will be at MPCF as I can. WOD at home today:
Annie – 10:55
4:1 Singles
Abmat BF SU
April 27 was 11:43. Missed seeing everyone today and High Twenty Five to the White Rockers!
didn't do tabata today busy weekend and 3 wods on sat made me tired
Annie 7:33 rx
Nice job on the marathon!
Great Job on White Rock!
1"band on PLU
Last 3 sets of PU knees
30 speed skips
42 Tabata Rx and 35 speed skips
Great work all the marathoners and half marathoners!
Rowing for Cal.
Box Jumps
42 Tabata and 42 speed skips (weird they were the same!)
GREAT JOB MARATHON (and half marathon) RUNNERS! Way to represent MPCrossfit!
36 on tabata
4 only on the speed skips, my legs locked up on me after the squats.
24 on tabata
Stacy says……
36 rx <—–!!!!
22 speed skips
[…] Sit-ups Squats For Score …then Tabata speed skips Post scores to comments Compare to 06 DEC 10 Notes: Tabata = 20 seconds of work/10 seconds of rest x 8rds, each exercise. I.E. – 20 sec PLU, […]