Monday, 04 July 2011

Happy Independence Day!
In honor of the soldiers who fought side-by-side through the many wars and conflicts. I give you this 2-person team WOD.

“Battle Buddy”

20 Tire Flips (210/175)

40 Meter shuttle run x 4

80 Buddy Push-ups

100 Meter Buddy Carry

100 Sit-ups

80 Pull-ups

40 Wall-Ball Tosses @ 5m(20/12)

20 Tire Flips

For Time

Post time to comments


Each “buddy” must complete exactly half of each exercise. Tire flips and shuttle runs are to be alternated. The “buddy” being carried is inoperative/injuried on the battle field, no piggy back. 3-person WOD option will be posted at gym.