Friday, 29 September 2023

Join us for a FREE trial class this Friday, September 29, at any class time!

NO fitness experience is needed!

Click the link below to register to compete or volunteer at:

Festivus Games October 2023


Partner WOD

400 Box step-ups (20″)*


For time


*At the start of every 2:00, including minute 0:00, perform the following:

1st 2:00 – 6 synchro burpees over same bar

2nd 2:00 – 4 synchro power cleans (185/123)

3rd 2:00 – 30 double unders each or 60 single unders each



Post results and experiences to comments

7 Responses
  1. Michelle Milstead


    Partnered with Gene! I really liked this WOD!

    Modified to 300 box step ups to a 26″ box, burpee step overs, 11# cleans, 15# KB swings instead of jump rope.