Friday, 28 January 2011

5 rounds for time

15 Deadlifts
12 Hang Power Clean
9 Front Squats
6 Push Jerks

All with 135/95

Post time to comments

Compare to 20 JUL 09
17 Responses
  1. Susan

    10.49 @45#

    I didn't record my previous time. Next time I'll go heavier.

    congrats, Verynice! Your 1st handstand PU!

  2. Rhonda G

    14:14 45#

    This workout definitly tested my tenacity! Round one…hate to love round to hate it!! Ha!

    Great job everyone 🙂

  3. Danny

    32:21 RX. 1st time Rx'd. Last time I was 12:47 slower and only did 2 rds rx'd. I dropped down to 115 lbs. the final 3 rds.

  4. Lesley

    Great job, Danny!

    So glad to be back, but missed the 0530 group! Fun working out with Erin & Jimmy at 0730. That was a tough WOD!

    31:20, 65 lbs.

  5. Michel

    Welcome back Lesley!!!
    Everyone was churning out strong work! Present company excepted. I think my time was 23:07 with 45 lbs. This WOD has all my "needs progress". I am toast. Have a great weekend everyone!

  6. erin

    36:27 85lbs
    man i could NOT stop shaking!! blah asthma meds!!
    so first week back on Paleo going great! need to do a benchmark wod then do it again in 6 weeks to compare see the true results of Paleo 🙂

  7. Robert

    Super work, Danny.

    Well the elbow was not ready for this grip-buster so decided to take it easy and do:

    "Viking Fran"

    21-row 1000 m-15-row 750 m-9-row 500 m

    Thrusters 95#

    17:57 RX

  8. Brandy

    Did an improv wod at the YMCA in okc…I had no clue what to do with all those machines!!! Agh! Makes me love CF even more!!

    10 kbs 25lb
    10 Box jumps 20" I think
    5 ohs 45lb
    3 rds