Friday, 21 August 2015

MP CrossFit Tulsa 082115

I saw this e-card a few days ago, and it made me think about all the PR’s people have been setting at MP these last few weeks! I am proud of each and every one of you! Ape Strong!!

Reminder: There will not be a night class on Friday. Sorry for any inconvenience.



Pick one option:

  1. Pick a lift you have missed and find a 1-rep max*
  2. Pick a lift and find a 3-rep max
  3. Work on Athletic Skill Sheet



“Decisions, Decisions, Decisions”

Perform this WOD solo, partner, or team of 4*:

20 Pull-ups

20 Overhead Squats (95/65)

20 Burpees

20 Clean and Jerk (95/65)

60 Single Jump Rope

20 Wall-Ball Shots (20/14) @ 9′

20 Hand-Release Push-ups

20 Double Kettlebell Front Squats (53/35)


For Time

Compare to Friday, 29 August 2015


Solo – 2 rounds for time

Partner – 3 rounds for time, alternating exercises

Team of 4 – 4 rounds for time; one team of 2 performs 1 round (partner style), tags out with other team of two to perform 1 round (partner style). Now tag out with first team to perform another round, but partners switch roles to perform exercises they didn’t do the first time. Repeat pattern until both teams have gone through the WOD twice.

Partner groups must move from station to station together



Right side straddle – 1:00

Left side straddle – 1:00

Center straddle – 1:00

Butterfly – 1:00

Pike – 1:00


2 rounds for quality



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