Friday, 17 April 2009

New, and a little BIGGER tires!!

Farewell “Tour”

Run 400m (prior to each round)

21-18-15-12-9 reps of:

Box Jumps (24/20)
Wall Ball Shots (20/12)
Overhead Squats (65/45)

For time

Post time to comments

10 Responses
  1. Angie

    Sorry I missed this morning. I’ll have to try this one sometime when I’m feeling better.

    Jimmy – I’ll miss your daily encouragment.

  2. Robert

    41:03 RX outside run.

    Farewell, Jimmy. I will miss you but I look forward to seeing you when you are able to return.

  3. Nicole

    41:12 Outside Run
    1", 32lbOHS, KPU

    Too many modifications…ugh. OHS & PU killed me!

    Jimmy you'll be missed (once I forget about this brutal WOD)! Thanks for everything.

    (sometimes…even when I sign in it posts from Dylan?)

  4. MP Jimmy

    32.04 RX (IR)

    Thank you all for making coming to “work” so much fun, even with all the the “special request” Nicole. 🙂 I will miss you all, but will see you again soon.

    Jimmy out

  5. Dylan

    41.59 RX (IR). That was brutal for me.

    Jimmy, thanks for everything you have done and provided for us. A year goes by fast, so see you soon!

  6. John

    (?) I ran out of time. Great workout though. We’ll miss you, and we look forward to your weekend visits. Keep us posted.

  7. Connor

    35:11 Rx (Outside Run, so 33:51)

    Jimmy, thank you for everything you have done not only for me, but for MPCF as a whole. You are and will continue to be an inspiration.

    I started June 9th, 2008 and was suffering after “Baseline”, I had no idea what I had got myself into (thanks Mike G.). I remember coming to the 6:30 workouts, asking myself how in the world do these people get there at 5:30am. Not only was 6:30 early, but the workouts were a “killer”. I can’t imagine not having CF in my life. Thank you and best of luck. You will be missed and we look forward to your return trips.

  8. Sister

    35:31- Great workout!

    Jimmy you are the best. Thank you for inspiring each of us and sticking with us! You are the reason we are all still here! Good luck and we will look forward to your return!

  9. Bershunda

    38:02 (IR)

    It will be strange to not see you there in the morning and we all will miss you so much Jimmy! You have inspired us in ways you can’t even imagine. You are a blessing in all of our lives. Good luck! Come back and visit us soon.