Friday, 12 December 2014

MP CrossFit Tulsa 121214

Sweat Angel or Sweat Spider? Can’t tell. 🙂

No night classes Friday. 0530-1200 classes are normal.

Sorry for any inconvenience.




5   reps @ 65% 1RM

3   reps @ 75%

1+ reps @ 85%


For max reps @ 85%




“What now?”

21 Sit-ups

15 Box Jumps (24/20″)

9 Strict Pull-ups

15 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)

21 Double Unders


4 rounds for time

Compare to Wednesday, 11 December 2013




Hip Capsule – 1:30/side

20 Slow Passovers with a PVC pipe

Olympic Wall Squat – 2:00



Post load and max reps, time, and experiences to comments