Friday, 08 May 2009


30 Double Unders (120 singles)
20 Knees to Elbows
10 Handstand Push-ups

5 rounds for time

Post time to comments
17 Responses
  1. Connor

    18:50 Rx

    Awesome workout. Way to push yourselves.

    Happy Birthday Angie. Thanks to B and Sister for bringing goodies to celebrate, very thoughtful.

  2. Angie

    20:22 (singles, mod hspu) Sweaty!!

    Thanks B & Sister for the goodies and to everyone for the birthday wishes. I love my CrossFit buddies! 🙂

  3. Nicole

    Mod Knees HSPU
    My K2E could use some work.

    Happy Birthday Angie!
    Erin – good job today!
    Thanks for working out with me.