Friday, 06 November 2009


Run 800m
40 Push-ups
Run 800m
40 Sit-ups
Run 800m
40 Squats

2 rounds for time

Post time to comments

Compare to 24 JUL 09
10 Responses
  1. Michel

    43:51 Knee Push Ups 11-6

    50:54 Knee Push Ups 7-24

    That' s Danica-speak for 7:03 PR! 0630 was on fire today – Well done all and thanks to Erin.

    Have a great weekend everyone!

  2. Robert

    41:17 Rx but did Nascar off-road–trail run. And unfortunately I did not find the other orange pump or "the body" that goes with it.

  3. Danny

    Melanie said…

    42:18/knee pu. This was so much fun today with a big group. Everyone was so encouraging and worked so hard. Great job!!! We had fun! 🙂

  4. hhaUkA943sYt6eAL_.qtpIt_4todtfM-

    Great job Nancy, Melanie, Erin, Jamie, Angie, and Ann you women rock! A beautiful day to run.

    44:54 RX
