3-Person Team WOD Row 1500m 150 Pull-ups 300 Double Unders 210 Push-ups 300 Double Unders 270 Sit-up Row 1500m For Time Post time to comments Compare to 08 JAN 10 Rules: – Each team member does equal work – Only one team member working at a time – Complete one...Read More
Rest Day CFE WOD: Choose a sport, and perform 3-5 rounds of: Run: 800m, rest 4 minutes Row: 1000m, rest 4 minutes Bike: 2 miles, rest 4 minutes Swim: 200m, rest 4 minutes Post sport and total sprint time to commentsRead More
“Are you a Halloweenie?” Perform as many reps as possible at each station for 1 minute, with 15 seconds between each exercise: “Spooky” Sit-up Slammers (12/8) “Horrific” Handstand Push-ups “R.I.P.” Row for Calories “Boo” Burpees “Wicked” Wall-Ball Shots @ (20/14) @ 9′ “Jack O’Lantern” Jumping Pull-ups “Petrified” Pistols “Killer” Kettlebell Swings (70/55) “Skeleton” Squat...Read More
Partner WOD “Triple Threat” I. With a partner*, complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of: 5 Muscle-ups Max rep Box Jumps (24/20″) *One partner does 5 MU’s, while the other does max rep Box Jumps. As soon as MU’s are complete, partners switch roles. Box jumps are a continuous count. ...Read More
Rest Day CFE WOD: Choose a sport, and perform 2-4 rounds of: Run: 1 mile, rest half the time of interval Row: 2000m, rest half the time of interval Bike: 3 miles, rest half the time of interval Swim: 400m, rest half the time of interval Post sport and...Read More
“Anger Management” Run 600m 20 Kettlebell Swings, 1-arm (35/25) (10 each) 10 Burpee Box Overs (24/20″) 20 Weighted Lunges (35/25) 10 Toes-2-Bar/Knees-2-Elbows 4 rounds for time Post time to commentsRead More