Monday, 26 January 2015

MP CrossFit Tulsa 012615

 2015 CrossFit Games registration is open @



Handstand Drills

One-arm HS holds

30 seconds each arm

Straddle Jump to HS

Perform 5

One-leg Tuck Jumps to HS

Perform 3 each leg


2 rounds for quality



“Double Dutch”

100 Double Unders

5 rounds of “Cindy”*

80 Double Unders

4 rounds of “Cindy”

60 Double Unders

3 rounds of “Cindy”

40 Double Unders

2 rounds of “Cindy”

20 Double Unders

1 round of “Cindy”


For Time

*”Cindy” is 5 Pull-ups, 10 Push-ups, 15 Squats

WOD courtesy of



Hip Capsule – 1:30/side

Lateral Opener – 1:30/side

Posterior Chain Floss – 1:30/side



Post time and experiences to comments