“Fantastic Four”
4-person team WOD
A: Row Calories*
B: Max rep Slammers (12/8)
C: Max rep Box Jumps (24/20″)
D: Max rep Burpees
For Score
Post individual score and total team score to comments
Directions: This is a 4-person, 3 round WOD. Round 1 (35 male/30 female) cal, rd 2 (30/25), rd 3 (25/20). Person A rows for 35 calories. In that time, B-slammers, C-box jumps, and D-burpees attempt to get as many reps as possible at their respective station. Once calories are rowed, team stops, rotates stations while resting 30 seconds. Now D rows, A-slmmers, B-box jumps, C-burpees. Once all have rowed, team rest for 2 minutes, and then repeats for 30 calories.
Time caps: There is a time cap per person as they row per round. If a rower gets done before the cap, the whole team stops and gets extra rest. If rower does not complete calories, he/she must subtract remaining calories from personal round score.
RD 1 – 1:45
RD 2 – 1:30
RD 3 – 1:00
RD 4 – 0:45
Scoring: Keep a continuous count throughout each round. At end of WOD, total individual score. Now take all four members score, add together for the team score. Calories rowed do not count in score. DON’T FORGET TO SUBTRACT CALORIES NOT ROWED!