Our prayers go out to those who lost family and friends in the 9/11 attacks and in the resulting war. We also continue to pray for Soldiers in harm’s way. Please take a moment of silence today to remember the fallen.
May God continue to bless the U.S.A!
Main WOD:
Snatch (Squat)
3-rep max
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Compare to 13 MAR 12
Choose a sport:
Run: 600m, rest 3 min; 400m, rest 2 min; 200m, rest 1 min; 200m, rest 2 min; 400m, rest 3 min; 600m
Row: 750m, rest 3 min; 500m, rest 2 min; 250m, rest 1 min; 250m, rest 2 min; 500m, rest 3 min; 750m
Bike: 1800m, rest 3 min; 1200m, rest 2 min; 600m, rest 1 min; 600m, rest 2 min; 1200m, rest 3 min; 1800m
Swim: 200m, rest 3 min; 125m, rest 2 min; 75m, rest 1 min; 75m, rest 2 min; 125m, rest 3 min; 200m
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Gymnastics WOD:
For quality:
Practice for 10 min:
Handstand forward rolls
Forward rolls
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