Saturday, 18 August 2012

Tough Mudder WOD:

Run 6 mile trail run

@ Turkey Mountain


We will be meeting there at 0630 for warm-up, and running at 0645. This will be a group run, pace will vary from slow to moderate. All are welcome.




Main WOD:

For Time:


10 Pistols with a roll

20 meters of Handstand Walking

60 Speed Skips

20 Power Snatches (75/50)

10 Body Blasters*

Run 200m


3 rounds



Post time to comments


*Body Blasters are a burpee, pull-up, and knees-2-elbows = 1 rep.

Start standing, drop into a burpee, hop to feet; jump, simultaneously grabbing the bar into a pull-up. After executing a pull-up, perform a knees-2-elbows.