Saturday, 21 July 2012

Everyone is welcome to join the Tough Mudder team as they train at the 21st and Riverside skate park at 0700, Saturday morning. Running and climbing will be involved. Class will be at regular time and place.

Main WOD:

Three rounds for time:

21 Front Squats (95/65)

15 Glute-Ham Sit-ups

90 Speed Skips

Run 200m



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Choose a sport:

Run: 2 x 1 mile, rest time is equal to half run time

Row: 2 x 2000m, rest time is equal to half row time

Bike: 2 x 3 miles, rest time is equal to half bike time

Swim: 2 x 400m/yd, rest time is equal to half swim time


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