Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Partner WOD week


Part 1:

75 Sit-ups

500m Row

25 Box Jumps(24/20)*

Part 2:

15 Deadlifts (315/205)

30 Burpees

15 Power Cleans (135/95)

Part 3:

100 Pull-ups

200 Squats

300 Double Unders

For Time

Partner ‘A’ starts on Part 1, while ‘B’ starts on Part 2. Both start at same time. Once both have finished with their part, they switch. No rest between parts, other than if one partner gets done before the other.

After both partners have completed both parts 1 & 2, they move to Part 3 as a team. Part 3 requires equal work by both partners. Only one working at a time. Each exercise must be completed before moving to next.

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