Friday, 04 Feburary 2011

At Home WOD 3

For Time

15 Walking Lunges
12 Sit-ups
9 Burpees

6 rounds

Post time to comments
3 Responses
  1. MP Jimmy

    Due to inclement weather, the 1730 class is cancelled. Check website for potential Saturday class cancellation. Sorry for any inconvenience.

  2. Angela

    @home WOD (+ some) complete!

    WOD RX!! I love saying that…16:13

    I did 200 SUs (unanchored) in 7:32!! A 5 second PR from last week's 200 SUs (and those were anchored)…AWESOME!!

    Thanks, Jimmy, for posting the @home WODS during my Great Lock-In of 2011!