Tuesday, 11 January 2011

For Time

4 Overhead Squats (115/80)
4 Deadlifts (265/175)
4 Box Jumps (24/20)

4 rounds

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CFE WOD (3+ hours before or after main WOD):

Choose a sport:
Run, Row, Bike, or Swim

Cover max distance in 10 minutes

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16 Responses
  1. Carmen

    Go Michele!!! That is AMAZING!

    Yes, Happy Birthday Lesley!!! You look mahvelous!

    22 # OHS
    95 DL
    17" box

    I think I did 4 rounds…my low OHS weight speeded me up I think. Need to work on that!

    Stay WARM!!!

  2. Susan


    18" box jumps

    I also worked to narrow my OHS grip and shoulder stretching. Thanks, Jimmy!

    (Note to self: way too light. 65#OHS and 155#DL next time)

  3. Lesley

    Thanks for the birthday wishes!

    5:06, 32lb OHS & 75 lb DL.

    Realized that I didn't even do this one at 50% of Rx. 🙂 Want to work on heavier lifting, but today wasn't the day!

  4. Chris Hauger

    225 deadlift
    95 lbs. OHS

    DL in my head just a little before the WOD… 🙂 Didn't know one could do so much with such little form.

    Happy Birthday Lesley!

  5. erin

    Happy birthday Lesely 🙂
    4:50 rx! Felt like Gumby on the ohs!!!
    it was fun having the twin apes Jimmy and Jamie sqt me 🙂 poor mark was dropped by his momma 😉

  6. Jaime

    3:17 rx what now, Robert :0
    Had fun with the stupid human tricks. Thanks for being good sports Nancy, Mark and Erin

  7. MP Jimmy

    2:43 RX

    That was a fun WOD! A lot shorter than I thought, but good work!

    Robert, I told Jaime what you said and I think she had your number on this WOD!! 🙂

  8. Brandy

    Happy bday Leslie!

    32 lb ohs
    95 lb dl
    17" box

    Good times with the 5:30 crew! Glad I opted out for being the human weight for tonight! Haha!