Saturday, 28 August 2010

Sometimes you just do not want to know! 🙂

Burpee Mile
(4-5 person team)

For Time

Post team time to comments

Execute this by doing burpee broad-jumps. Fall forward into the plank position, hop feet to hands, do a broad jump forward while clapping over-head. Do this until one mile is reached. One person exercising at one time. Switch out as often as you wish. Everyone doing same amount is NOT required.

MP will be meeting at the Union Intermediate High School track, 77th and S. Garnett, at 0830. If you do not have a team, there will be alternatives. Show up anyway.

6 Responses
  1. Jaime

    thanks for sharing your b-day with us, Robert. Not only did we do a burpee, mile, we also did ohs with random objects! Fun party

  2. Lesley

    Burpee Mile was fun and do-able with a good team! Jaime-thanks for pushing me on the last half!
    Happy Birthday, Robert! Thanks for inviting us to your 'party'. 🙂

    Good job on the OHS with random objects!

  3. MP Jimmy

    Burpee mile B-day party was fun, and had great company! Our time was 31:11. OHS's were icing on the cake, pun intended! 🙂

    Happy Birthday Robert! (tomorrow)