Tuesday, 17 August 2010


3 rounds for time of:

10 Ground to overhead (95/65)

200 yd Shuttle sprint, 50 yds there and back twice

Post time to comments

CFE WOD (3+ hours before/after main WOD):

Choose a sport:

Run, Row, Bike, Swim

Run: 4 x 300m ALL OUT SPRINTS, 5 min rest

Row: 4 x 375m ALL OUT SPRINTS, 5 min rest

Bike: 3 x 2k ALL OUT SPRINTS, 5 min rest

Swim: 5 x 50 m/y ALL OUT SPRINTS, 3 min rest

Post total sprint time to comments

13 Responses
  1. Michel

    45 lb
    This was a great WOD and different. Seeing progress in motion and strength but still can't get the 65 over my head. After the last two days, I am off to chase up a voice activated, self propelled vacuum, possibly in red.

  2. Lesley

    8:38/Rx. (Is that double Jimmy's time?!) 🙂 Felt like I was moving in slow motion, but lots of fun!