Saturday, 17 July 2010

Row or Run 5K

For Time

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Compare to 11 JUN 10

CFE WOD (3+ hours after main WOD):

Choose a sport:
Run, Row, Bike, Swim

Run: 8 x 100m, rest 2 min
Row: 8 x 125m, rest 2 min
Bike: 8 x 200m, rest 2 min
Swim: 8 x 25 y/m, rest 2 min


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6 Responses
  1. Rhonda G

    Hey, Y'all, Guess who came home today!!

    Trent is doing much better, not 100% but all in good time. Thanks again for prayers, thoughts, and encouragement!

  2. Michel

    HURRAY! Rhonda, excellent news and I can hear the relief. Hang in there and see you soon – progress is a beautiful thing.

    So, remind me to pay attention to the voice that said "5 K row inside". I ran outside on a track and after 35 minutes I couldn't see my watch for the sweat and sunscreen blindness. My running threads are beyond salvage, but I am toxin free and breathing. Sort of. Have a great weekend everyone. It was an awesome week.

  3. MP Jimmy

    Praise the Lord! Rhonda, I will continue to pray for your family's healing and recovery.

    Ran 5K- 21:38 PR!!

  4. Michel

    JIMMY! You are superhuman. AWESOME on the PR. It took me that long to get up — roadkill and all.

  5. Vernice

    I am sooo glad to hear you have your guy home again. Have a restful weekend and come back to Crossfit soon. We miss you.

  6. Angela

    Yay…welcome home Trent!! Rest up, recover, and enjoy him getting well. SO overjoyed to hear it!
    So, my 10 mile run Saturday morning was ROUGH & TOUGH…silly (censored) hills!! 🙂