Friday, 16 July 2010


20 Box Jumps
20 Kettlebell Swings (1.5/1 pood)
20 Knees to Elbows
Run 400m

5 rounds for time

Post time to comments

Compare to 08 APR 09
8 Responses
  1. Rhonda G

    Hello Guys,

    I don't have much to report good or bad. Trent is still battling the virus and has a tremendous headache without narcotic meds. Trouble is he can't tolerate those meds so we have quite a mess on our hands making him comfortable.

    He hasn't really had a fever all this time, but last night his temperature was the highest it has been so far at 101.5 so hopefully the fever is up and the battle is almost over!!

    Thanks so much for your continued prayers and concerns! I hope to see you all next week.

  2. Michel

    17" Box Jumps
    1 pood KBS
    40 Knee Ups
    400 M Run

    That was a tremendous WOD. Love it! Great work with Vernice, Angie, and Susan – who wore shorts. With red trim. Unbelievable.
    MP was jamming today with 0530 and 0630 – I am so riding the MPCF timewarp of tubular occulence. Cowabunga.

    Thanks for the update and more prayers and good vibes for comfort and recovery for all of you! Hope to see you very soon!

  3. Chris

    My Dad and I made up our own WOD since we were at a hotel.
    20 Body Blasters (Burpee->Pullup->Knee to Elbow)
    30 Squats.
    50 Dbl Unders.

    My Dad finished in 20:40
    I finished in 28:37

  4. MP Jimmy

    I pray for continued healing for you and your family. God is AWESOME!

    Robert and Chris,
    Good job on the WOD creation. 🙂

    My time:
    27:01 RX
    Great WOD! "John" is now a big board WOD! Looking for top 5 times! 😉

  5. erin

    Rhonda continuing to pray for your son! Hope he gets better soon!!
    43:20 rx geez it was hot and sticky at 5:30 pm!! Great job Brandie and Amber!! I know Stacy is itching to get back into it thanks for timing us 🙂 Jimmy ps as always thanks for the motivation thru negative reinforcement 😉 lol

  6. Angela

    Michel, I LOVE your comments; they always make me laugh and smile!!
    I cannot remember my time…maybe 42:49?!?! But I modified w/ SU & 14" box jumps. Great WOD! It was the first time I laid out on the floor in front of the fan…I truly feel one with CF now!!