Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Row 3K

For Time

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Choose a sport:
Run, Row, Bike, Swim

Run: 6 x 400m, Rest*
Row: 6 x 500m, Rest*
Bike: 6 x .5 mile, Rest*
Swim: 6 x 50m/yd, Rest*

Rest*=2x the time it took to run each interval.
I.E. run 400 in 65 sec, rest 130 sec.

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13 Responses
  1. Susan


    Way to go, Coby! I gave you a target to shoot for.

    Michel, how was your fitness assessment? did you pass? lol

  2. Michel

    Well since you asked…FLYING COLORS. I did comparison to first one right before starting MPCF. Holy Filthy Fifty Batman. What a huge change. I did 30 minutes at the Zone Day Care. Snore 2010. Looking forward to being back tomorrow!! Batgirl Out.