Friday, 18 June 2010


Run 1 mile

100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats

Run 1 mile

For Time

Post time to comments

Compare to 30 JAN 09

-Partition the PLU, PU, and SQ’s as needed, between the mile runs.
-If you have a weighted vest, wear it! 🙂
14 Responses
  1. Michel

    First time for Murph…LOVE THIS WOD – LOVE THIS WOD.

    I ripped my left hand – first rip!! YES! I ripped from my first time doing RX PLU. I did two. Its a start and I am STOKED!

    1 " band PLU – 1/2 band PR. First full WOD with 1".

  2. Coby

    rx pushups and double banded pullups and 2000 meter rowing.

    The longest wod I've ever done. The only one I hated worse was The Crippler.

  3. MP Jimmy

    I decided to follow my own advice and listen to my body. I believe I over-used my left knee while stunting at the cheer camp. I just could not help myself; there I was, colligate cheerleaders asking me to stunt, I just had to. 🙂 So, I am resting today, but will be doing my first weighted Murph tomorrow am.

    Congratz to Michel for doing her 1st RX PLU's!! And also to Robert, for his 1st weighted Murph!!

    See you all tomorrow, or have a good weekend!

  4. Patrice

    72:04 fat band, modified PU's. That was the hardest WOD I've done in a long time. I was so tired, I came home and went to bed for an hour. Tonight at the Mexican restaurant is sure looking good!

  5. Jaime

    59:44 rx. Wanted to get it in under an hour and I did!! It was a hard workout for me mentally, because I did it alone and I was really dreading that last mile. I have to admit that I walked about halfway up that frist hill on the way up.

  6. Danny

    47:25 RX. 40 seconds or so slower than last time, but lots of rust after missing two weeks.

    Great job everybody! Robert, that was an awesome showing with the vest!

  7. Robert

    58:15 Rx with 20 pound weighted vest. That was fun. Great work all but in particular Danny–getting "decked" on Wednesday and Murphed on Friday what a fine welcome back.

    Wise choice, Jimmy to save the weighted Murph for another day. The vest does not make the knees ache less I can tell you that.

  8. Jaime

    Jimmy, thanks for working out the one kid in the kid crossfit class today.
    If I get to be the mom with too much advice, just tell me. I did have a teacher tape my mouth shut once. (at church, no less)

  9. Vernice

    70: Something
    This was a great workout for me. I really didn't feel tired like I did after Wednesday's Deck of cards.
    Great time last night with the CF group.