Monday, 12 April 2010

“Mr. Joshua”
Run 400 meters
30 Glute-ham sit-ups*
15 Deadlifts (250/165)

Five rounds for time

Post time to comments

Compare to 13 APR 09

*If a GHD is unavailable, do standard anchored SU’s
14 Responses
  1. Amber

    Congrats on your triathlon Robert. You make us all proud. Learned a ton this weekend at the Mobility and Recovery Certification. The more I learn about the mechanics of crossfit, the more I enjoy crossfit and want to improve.

  2. erin

    Congrats Robert!!! Can't wait to hear how u did! Amber ditto cert was great! Learned so much on how to improve rom, strength and flexiblity! Can't wait to drive u guys nuts with it 😉

  3. Susan


    4rds@155# 1rd@145#

    Thanks Erin for the training. I'll work on my form.

    Hey Michel! Post that Kipping video link.

    Robert, how was the Triathlon?

    Patty, where are you?
    coby, get out of bed, ya bum….lol

  4. Michel

    95# DL
    Unachored Abmat SU
    Erin, thanks for the coaching!! The head down and tension — plus the bebe — helped a lot. DL are now a top 5 goal. Form. Gotta work on my form. Did I say form?

    Susan —

    Check out the far right frame. Her form is awesome!!

    Congrats on the tri Robert! Very well done!

  5. Jaime

    didn't have time for this one…had to get to work. I missed baseline last week, so I did that today and will make up Mr. Joshua on Sat. Baseline time was 5:29 rx 30 seconds behind Erin, as usual. (but I could lift her over my head) I like the competition

  6. patricelott

    37 and seconds. 95 # DL
    Thanks for the coaching on form.
    That was a tough workout for me–glad it's over!

  7. erin

    Hahaha yes u could Jaimie 🙂 if we do the man down wod
    u can lift me and ill lift Melanie or Vernice 😉 haha!!

  8. Danny

    35:07 Getting closer to RX'd. Did 225 today. Up from 185, but not 250 yet. Abmat Butterfly situps. Thanks for the coaching Erin!

  9. Rhonda G

    25:32 MOD

    DL – 2 rds 95#, 3 rds 115# That's a step up for me.. Thanks, Erin, for your Kudos. Would love to try the Glute-Ham sit-ups!!

    Susan, loved your post. You rocked today! Congrats Robert!! I'd love to do a tri if I could swim better than a rock 😮 Phelps is not a friend of mine!!

  10. Ginny

    27:37 85# DL..not heavy, but trying to work on form. Thanks, Erin for helping! Woo Hoo, Bon Jovi tomorrow!

  11. Robert

    Triathlon was 1:09 10 th in age group or thereabouts.

    Took it easy today with:

    Row 500 m
    20 1 pood KB swings
    50 Dbl unders

    3 rounds in 13:20 ish

    Thanks again to all who wished me well. Thanks to you Erin for the tailored WOD today.