One class only today at 0900. Regular schedule resumes Saturday.
“Black Friday”
Partner WOD
20 Squat Clean and Jerks (175/113)
40 Handstand Push-ups
600m Run (partner A only)*
80 Wall-Ball Volleyball Tosses* (20/16/14) @ 8′
200 Double Unders
80 Wall-Ball Sit-up Throws (20/16/14) @ 5m
600m Run (partner B only)*
40 Kettlebell Swings (72/53)
20 Deadlifts (325/213)
For Time
Compare to Friday, 24 November 2023
*Special instructions:
-Only one partner working at a time, except during the run/burpee portions.
-When one partner is running, the other is performing max rep burpees. If inclement weather, row 750m.
-WB Volleyball Tosses consist of partners facing other on either side of a 8′ target, partner A performs a WB shot throwing the ball over the target, and partner B catches, performs a WB shot and returns ball over the target. Each throw is one rep. If ball doesn’t make it over, rep does not count. If ball is dropped, both partners perform 5 penalty burpees.
-(Male/Co-ed/Female) Rx WB weights
Post results and experiences to comments
Partnered with Lexie!
70 burpees
Did my first set of 5 Unbroken!!! This is huge for me! Also, did another 4 Unbroken on the 3rd round of 5s.
24:23 Rx
86 Burpees
22:57 adjusted time
We set an overall PR of 0:23, with and adjusted PR of 21! 2 burpees less. (Oh shucks darn! 😄 Fun and tough WOD!! Strong work Coach!
33:10 partnered with Jef, he was killin it!!!
HSPU went well for a little while.
Also got 83 burpees
Time above is adjusted time