Monday, 22 May 2023

Join us this Memorial Day, 29 May, for our annual Hero WOD and potluck!



As many rounds and reps as possible in 7-minutes of the following:

5 Devils press (2x 50/35)

10 Wall-ball shots (20/14)@(10/9′)

15/12 Calories biked


For score



Shoulder Press

1-rep max


For max load


Conditioning 2:

30 Single-unders

10 Toes-to-bar


3 Rounds for time

(6:00 cap)


Compare to Wednesday, 18 May 2022



Post results and experiences to comments

11 Responses
  1. Michelle Milstead

    CWOD 1
    Modified 20# DB’s


    CWOD 2
    I tried doing larger sets in the 1st 2 rounds but my hip didn’t like that so I went to singles and I feel like I am just as fast at singles so I really need to be able to connect these in larger sets.

  2. Anniee

    CWOD 1: 73 RX
    SWOD: 86# PR
    CWOD 2: 3:55 (wow, been training dubs for awhile now & my mind could not do singles- need to still work on singles while training dubs lol)

  3. Amber Burkhart

    CWOD1: 59 Rx (had to take a call in the middle of the WOD )
    Strength: 103# PR
    CWOD2: 2:39 unbroken T2B first round, then they broke down in rounds 2 and 3

  4. Sandy

    Did this one in open gym –
    CWOD 1 – 50 pts finished with almost 2 rounds, only made it 8 cals on the bike
    Shoulder press – 65#
    CWOD 2 – didn’t get a time but I def finished under 6 min, this one felt good to work my knee raises, getting my feet higher and closer to the bar – I want to be able to do t2b!!