Friday, 05 May 2023

Join us TODAY for a FREE class!

Class times are 0530, 0845, 1200, and 1730. No experience needed!



Partner WOD, equal work required

50 Chest-to-bar pullups

50 Bar-facing burpees

50 Thrusters (95/63)

5:00 Rest


2 Rounds for time

(30:00 cap)



Post results and experiences to comments

7 Responses
  1. Michelle Milstead

    Partnered with Henry so this post counts for him too! We are both injured so today we just moved. We both modified C2B with blue and red bands (Henry did the 1st round with just the red band). Henry did body weight squats and I did 32# thrusters.
    7:55 1st round and finished 21:20

  2. Crystal Stine

    Time 28:15 mod 4 at a time for 20. Did ring rows. 35# thrusters. Row time 5:34 wth Mindy.