Wednesday, 08 March 2023

Join us Friday, 10 March for a FREE drop in at any class time!

No experience needed!


As many rounds and reps in 6-minutes of the following:


500m Row buy-in then….

In remaining time, AMRAP the following:

12 Single kettlebell deadlifts (53/35)

9 Russian kettlebell swings

6 Single kettlebell thrusters


For scores

(Score A is row time and score B is total reps completed)


…Rest 5:00 then…



Wall balls (20/14)@(10/9′)

Hang power snatches (95/63)


For time

(7:00 cap)


…Rest 5:00 then…


Every minute on the minute, perform the following:

0:50 Max pull-ups

0:50 Max alternating forward lunges

0:50 Max line facing burpees


2 Rounds for score



Post scores and experiences to comments

*WODs courtesy of Festivus Games 2023, individual division

12 Responses
  1. Sandy

    Part 1 a. 2:18 500m row b. 54 pts at 25# (2 full rounds)
    Part 2 (15-12-9 reps @ 10# WB and 43# snatch) 7:12
    Part 3 ring rows 15/12, lunges 10/10, burpees 5/4

  2. Henry Smith

    Came in sluggish and sore today. Didn’t go hard

    Part 1: 1:40 & 84 reps
    Part 2: 7:18 cap
    Part 3: 94

  3. Vernice

    Debbie had you not already signed up as a voluneteer for Festivus, we could be a team. I think you did great.

    Part 1: 3 rounds + 5
    Part 2: 5:26
    Part 3: 117

  4. Michelle Milstead

    Ugh, I didn’t catch my 500m row

    I did Masters tonight except used a 30# KB in part 1.
    Part 1: 102
    Part 2: 7:04
    Part 3: 97–burpees were tough tonight!

  5. White Ape

    1:40 row (should have gone a little faster)
    113 masters Rx
    4:39 masters Rx
    99 reps masters Rx+ (I accidentally used a 35# KB for the goblet squats instead of 25#)