Friday, 30 December 2022

Join us this Saturday, December 31st for a FREE trial WOD!

No fitness experience needed. We can modify everything!

Class Monday, January 2nd is at 0900 ONLY. Happy New Year!



Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12-minutes of:

1 Squat snatch (135/93)

3 Clean and jerks (135/93)

30 Double unders


For score



50-ft Axle bar front rack walking lunges (130/90)

20 GHD sit-ups

50-ft Axle bar front rack walking lunges

…rest 1:30, then…

20 GHD sit-ups

50-ft Axle bar front rack walking lunges

20 GHD sit-ups

…rest 1:30, then…

50-ft Axle bar front rack walking lunges (130/90)

20 GHD sit-ups

50-ft Axle bar front rack walking lunges


For time

(15:00 cap)



Post results and experiences to comments

10 Responses
  1. Christie Spears

    8 full rounds
    Need to work on squat snatch and clean and jerk.
    Total weight 22lbs
    Did all 3 rounds in 12:41

  2. White Ape

    Part 1:
    306 reps modified
    PVC power snatch
    PVC power clean and strict press
    30 single unders

    Part 2:
    10:31 at 70#

    Shoulder is getting much better, but not rushing recovery!