Friday, 14 October 2022

Join us today, Oct 14th at any class for a FREE drop in!

No experience needed!





Run 400m

15 Overhead Squats (95/63)


5 rounds for time

Compare to Monday, 19 July 2021



Post results and experiences to comments

5 Responses
  1. sflynn

    13:42 Rx
    1:07 PR
    Wore my Metcons and that was a good choice. Pushed the runs. My hamstring is kinda buggy though so I think I can push harder on the runs next time.
    Go faster on OHS!!

    Jogged to and from my bar this time so that was good.

    Nancy…. Gotta love her!!! 🙂

  2. megancyork


    2:19 PR!

    Good push. My hip/shoulder have been arguing with me so they didn’t feel amazing but I was able to get through it!

    This one didn’t hurt my feelings until round 4!

  3. Michelle Milstead

    Capped with 15 OHS to go. Scaled 48#. My goal was to match my last time (18:00/37#) at the higher weight of 47#, but just couldn’t make it happen. I need to strengthen my wrists because they kill me on the OHS. I broke the OHS up 8/7 1st 4 rounds and unbroken the last round. The run felt pretty good but I know I can push harder.