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Bring-a-Friend WOD this Friday, March 5th!
5 Tempo double kettlebell L-sit strict press @ 3030 pace
1:00 Rest
5/5 Single arm dumbbell bent over rows w/ 3 sec pause at top
1:00 Rest
4 Sets for quality
“Death by Duo”
Every minute on the minute, for as long as possible*:
1 Pull-up
1 Kettlebell swing (72/53)
*add one rep to each movement every minute. For example, on minute 2 athlete will perform 2 pull-ups and 2 kettlebell swings. Continue with this pattern until the prescribed work cannot be completed within the minute.
…Rest 1:00 then…
Every minute on the minute, for as long as possible*:
1 Power clean (95/63)
1 Push-up
*add one rep to each movement every minute. For example, on minute 2 athlete will perform 2 power cleans and 2 push-ups. Continue with this pattern until the prescribed work cannot be completed within the minute.
For total score
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