Friday, 28 February 2020


General Warm-up:

2 rounds of:

Bike 1:30

10 Spiders

10 Push-ups

Row 1:30

10 Sit-ups

10 Squats

Ski 1:30

10 Ring rows

10 SP w/T’s

Run 200m


Specific Warm-up:

12 DL (45/33)

10 DL (95/63)

8 DL (135/93)

6 DL (175/113)

4 DL (205/133)



”Dead, Deader, Deadest”*

30 seconds of max rep Deadlifts*

90 seconds rest


3 rounds for total weight lifted (# of DL’s x load)

*Athlete can pick any weight they want. Once round 1 starts, weight can not change. Courtesy of Festivus Games 2020



Partner WOD*

“Add a little MORE fun”

25-minute AMRAP

1 Power Clean (135/93)

1 Wall-Ball Shots (25/16) @ (10/9′)

1 Bar-Over-Burpee

1 Pull-up

1 Calorie Biked


For Score

Compare to Wednesday, 17 May 2017

*Add one rep to each exercise each round. Partners alternate exercises.



Quad Smash

Overhead Distraction w/ External Bias

Couch Stretch


Royal Huddleston Burpee Challenge:

Day 26



Post results and exercises to comments