Monday, 27 May 2019

Monday’s WOD will be at the Memorial High School track at 0900 only.



Partner WOD

“Memorial at Memorial”

400m Run*

20 Wall-ball volleyball throws (20/16/14)

Alternating burpee broad jumps*


20 Wall-ball sit-up throws (20/16/14)

20 Push-ups w/ clap


4 rounds


Run bleachers on both side of stadium.


For time



Partners run rounds 1 and 4 together. Alternate rounds 2 and 3 runs, partner A runs 400m in round 2, B runs 400m round 3.

Burpee broad jumps increase each round. Round 1 – 25 yds, Round 2 – 50 yds, Round 3 – 75 yds, Round 4 – 100 yds. Alternate every 2 reps.

Sprint equals the burpee broad jumps each round. “Sprint” back to the start line.




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