Rower Stroke Work
10 Hard Pulls, rest 30 seconds,
15 Hard Pulls, rest 30 seconds,
20 Hard Pulls, rest 30 seconds,
15 Hard Pulls, rest 30 seconds,
10 Hard Pulls…finished
For total meters pulled
*Hard Pull = maximal torque on each pull, s/m between 21-25
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
4 Muscle-ups
6 Turkish Get-ups (35/25)*
8 Ring Push-ups
For Score
*3 right/3 left
Couch Stretch – 1:30/side
One-Arm Lat Lean – 1:30/side
Pike Stretch – 2:00
Spine Smash – 2:00
Knees-to-Traps – 2:00
Post total meters, score, and experiences to comments