Saturday, 30 July 2016

MP CrossFit Tulsa 073016



50 Double Unders

4 rounds of “Triplet”*

400m Run

40 Double Unders

3 rounds of “Triplet”

300m Run

30 Double Unders

2 rounds of “Triplet”

200m Run

20 Double Unders

1 rounds of “Triplet”

100m Run



For Time


3 Handstand Push-ups

6 Deadlifts (1.5x Bwt/1x Bwt)

9 Wall-Ball Shots (20/14) @ (10/9′)


Flexibility/yoga poses:

Thread the Needle – 1:30/side

Twisted Monkey – 1:30/side

Pigeon – 1:30/side

Reclined Spinal Twist – 1:30/side



Post time and experiences to comments