Classes are normal through Wednesday. No classes on Thursday. Only a 0900 class on Friday. Classes back to normal on Saturday.
Hang Power Clean
1-rep max
Compare to Friday, 07 August 2015
Conditioning WOD:
“Death by Kettlbells” (70/53)
With a continuous running clock, on minute one, perform 1 KB Swing. Minute two, perform 2 KB Swings. Minute three, perform 3 KB Swings. Continue this method until you are unable to complete the specified number of KB Swings.
For Score
Compare to Monday, 25 November 2013
20 Side Leg Swings on each leg
Hold Pancake Split for 2 minutes
20 Front Leg Swings each leg
Hold Pike Stretch for 2 minutes
Post max load, score, and experiences to comments