Monday, 02 November 2015

MP CrossFit Tulsa 110215



Push Press

5 x 5 @ 75%, 80, 82.5, 85, 87.5%


For Quality



30 GHD Sit-ups buy-in


3 rounds of:

5 Muscle-ups

10 meters Handstand Walk

15 Box Overs (24/20″)

20 Sit-ups


30 Burpee sell-out


For Time

Compare to Saturday, 08 November 2015



10 Sit-ups to Straddle

Right Side Straddle – 1:00

Left Side Straddle – 1:00

Middle Straddle – 1:00

First Rib Mobilization – 2:00/side

Banded Olympic Wall Squat – 2:00



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