
February 11, 2014
Click here to register for the 2014 CrossFit Games Click here to register for the 2014 Judges course   Strength WOD: “Pick your weakness” 3-3-3-3-3 @ 65% 1RM For Quality     Conditioning WOD: “Create your Future” 15 Pull-ups 75 Singles 25 Box Overs (24/20″) 50 Speed Skips 35 Grasshoppers* 25 Double Unders   2 rounds for time *(right/left...
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Click here to register for the 2014 CrossFit Games Click here to register for the 2014 Judges course     “Raising the Bar”   30 Overhead Walking Lunges (35/25) 20 Slammers (12/8) 10 Thrusters (115/73) 20 Wall-Ball Push-ups 30 Calories Rowed   4 rounds for time     Post time to comments Similar to Friday, 07 September 2012    ...
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