3 Rounds for time of: 50 Double Unders (4:1 singles) 50 Back Extentions 50 Sit-ups (unanchored) Post time to comments
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“Nancy” Run 400m 15 Overhead Squats (95/65) 5 rounds for time Compare to 04 FEB 09 Post time to comments
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Memorial Day WOD Gym will be open at 0730 & 0830 only For Time: “Trevor” 300 Pull-ups400 Push-ups500 Sit-ups600 Squats Teams 0f 4 With a team of 4, complete each exercise before going to the next. Only one team member can be exercising at a time. Each team member’s reps add together to achieve the total of each exercise. Post team members and time to comments
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First MP CrossFit shirt “sweat angel”! (produced by Dylan McCant) “Annie” 50-40-30-20-10Double UndersSit-ups OR Rest Post time to comments
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For Time: “Biz” 25 Pull-ups 50 Double Unders 75 Sit-ups 100 walking Lunges 75 Sit-ups 50 Burpees 25 Pull-ups Compare to 09 March 2009 Post time to comments
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