South Central Sectionals WOD #1 Row 500m 10 Squat Cleans w/ finishing overhead* (135/83) 10 Pull-ups (Strict or Kipping) 3 rounds for time Post time to comments Note: ‘Finishing overhead’ means that you do a standard squat clean, then you get the weight overhead however you choose. You can do a push-press, push-jerk, thruster, shoulder press, however; as long as it gets fully overhead. Also, no butterfly pull-ups; strict or kipping, chin over bar. There will NOT be a 20 minute time limit on this WOD, like there was at sectionals. Just know that at sectionals, a competitor had to complete this WOD in under 20 min/RX to be in the running to for Regionals. Good Luck and Too Easy! 🙂
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