“Tabata” Pull-ups Push-ups Sit-ups Squats For Score …then Tabata speed skips Post scores to comments Notes: Tabata = 20 seconds of work/10 seconds of rest x 8rds, each exercise. I.E. – 20 sec PLU, 10 sec rest, 20 sec PLU, 10 sec rest, 20 sec PLU, 10 sec rest, for a total of 8rds; then go to PU’s, and so on. For score, you only count the lowest rep round. I.E. – If your PLU rounds were, 10/10/10/9/9/7/8/9, your score for PLU’s would be 7. Take each of the PLU, PU, SU, and SQ scores and add together for your total. Do speed skips after other 4 exercises are completed. post the lowest score for those to comments as well.
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