Join MP to celebrate our Independence Day with a FREE WOD on Monday, July 4, 2022 at 0930!! This is the only class time. Family and friends are welcome to join or cheer you on! Conditioning: Partner WOD Partner WOD, equal work required With a 4-minute clock, perform… 800m* Row Max burpees over the rower in remaining time …Rest 2:00 then… With a 4-minute clock, perform… 2000m** Bike Max dumbbell snatches (50/35) in remaining time …Rest 2:00 then… With a 4-minute clock, perform… 600m Run Max d-ball cleans (100/70) in remaining time …Rest 2:00 then… With a 4-minute clock, perform… 800m*** Ski Max box overs (24/20″) in remaining time For total reps *MM pairs row 800m, MF row 700m, FF row 600m **MM pairs bike 2000m, MF bike 1800m, FF bike 1600m ***MM pairs ski 800m, MF ski 700m, FF ski...
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