Wednesday, March 06 2024

“Red, White, and Blue, It’s the OPEN Debut!”

Take the CrossFit  Judges Course HERE!



15/12 Calories biked

12 Double dumbbell deadlifts (2 x 50/35)

9 Double dumbbell hang cleans

6 Double dumbbell shoulder to overhead


4 Rounds for time

(12:00 cap)



Pause Front Squat*⇒ Front Squat

1 Pause Front Squat ⇒ 5 Front Squat @ 70% of 1-rm front squat

1 Pause Front Squat ⇒ 3 Front Squat @ 75%

1 Pause Front Squat ⇒ 1 Front Squat @ 80%

1 Pause Front Squat ⇒ 1 Front Squat @80%


For quality

*2 second pause in the bottom of squat



Post results and experiences to comments

6 Responses
  1. White Ape

    9:40 Rx
    I slow rolled the cals each round. Legs were a little toasty from the last few days.

    Worked up to 255#