Wednesday, 31 August 2016

MP CrossFit Tulsa 0901

On Saturday, 10 September 2016, MP will be hosting an event to support Autism. To participate, please visit the following to sign-up. Lift Up Autism



“Rock’em Sock’em”

50 Double Unders

50 Sit-ups

500m Row

40-meters Burpee Broad Jumps

40 Sit-ups

400m Run

30 Pull-ups

30 Sit-ups

300m Row

20 Ring Dips

20 Sit-ups

200m Run

10 Strict Handstand Push-ups

10 Sit-ups

100m Row


For Time

(20:00 cap)






For max load



Knees-to-traps – 1:30

Elevated Cat- 1:30

10 reps 2 pike/2 squats

Standing Pike – 1:30

Kneeling Achilles – 1:00/side

Butterfly – 2:00



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