Wednesday, 29 January 2020


General warm-up:

Run 600/Row 750

10m Spiders

12 Army T-push-ups

14 Half tacos

6 Deep squats

6 Squats w/ ankle stretch

12 Shoulder press w/T’s

10 Pull-ups

Bike 2:00

10m lunges

20m Double waiter walk

10 PVC Passovers

8 Dumbbell squats

6 Dumbbell push-ups

20m Farmers carry

6 Dumbbell squats

4 Dumbbell push-ups

20m Farmers carry



Complete as many rounds* and reps as possible in 12-minutes of:

20 Dumbbell Squats (50/35)’s

20 Dumbbell Push-ups

50m Farmer’s Carry


For score

*Athlete cannot release dumbbells to rest throughout round. Only between rounds can athlete release DB’s. Push-ups are performed with hands holding DB handles with athlete’s chest, and ONLY chest, touching the ground.



Every minute on the minute perform 1 rep* of:

Hang Power Snatch


*Start ant NO MORE THAN 20% of 1RM snatch. After every successful lift, add (10/5), and then at the top of the next minute, perform 1 rep. Continue this format until you reach failure. Athlete may attempt up to 2 times at a given load. If failure is met, athlete may attempt 2 more times on the following minute. After 4 failed attempts, failure has been reached.



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